Released 31st July, 2023 // 44 pages // 978-1-915760-26-5 // RRP £8.99
The Data Harvest takes a high-wired scythe to our age of digital information and ecological crisis. Organisms and ecosystems 'get swiped off the map' by runaway climate change, while a 'superscalar connectogram' of AI, virtual reality, algorithms, surveillance networks, mechanization and marketization continuously spirals out of control. Hand's dramatic imagery, dynamic metaphors and pyrotechnical languages twist and turn through inventive maze-like forms. Directing its posthuman gaze beyond the 'endgame' of our 'fountainhead technocracy', The Data Harvest searches for 'some de-extinct world far from ours' where extraordinary entanglements of organic and artificial life are being born. This prophetic suite of innovative lyric poems stunningly records how contemporary technology is remaking the world in the shadow of the Anthropocene.
PRAISE for The Data Harvest:
A surging and engrossing compilation, lexically hyper-energetic, guided by switching versatile prosody with a surface constantly folding in upon itself.
— J.H. Prynne
ABOUT Dominic Hand:
Dominic Hand is a poet and writer based in the UK. His first book, Symbiont: 50 Sonnets (2020), received an Eric Gregory Award in 2021. His poetry has appeared in various journals and anthologies, including Blackbox Manifold, The London Magazine, Reliquiae, among others. He studied English at Oxford University, where he won the Newdigate Prize for Poetry in 2017, before completing an MPhil in Criticism and Culture at Clare College, Cambridge in 2019, and is currently completing a PhD at Merton College, Oxford, where he researches ecology and technology in contemporary poetry.
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