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Image by Leone Venter

Courses & Workshops

Broken Sleep Books Online Poetry Course 2024

We are very excited to be running our first ever poetry course! It is scheduled to last for 7 weeks from Monday 1st July to Sunday 17th August. Each week will see attendees take part in an online workshop hosted by a different Broken Sleep Books author, and based around all of the different aspects of creating a poetry manuscript. In addition, there will be a guest speaker in week 6, resources and exercises, and a course-exclusive group chat.



1. Aaron Kent: Intro; from blank page to poem - tips & prompts on starting a journey.
2. Stuart McPherson: Strengthening imagery; creating images that stand out.
3. Jessica Mookherjee: Finding your voice; finding a poem's path.

4. Hannah Copley: Structuring your book; themes, motifs, and order.
5. David Spittle: Straying from the margin; finding ways to experiment with form.

6. Kashif Sharma-Patel: Publication-ready; How to put together a strong manuscript.
7. Andre Bagoo: Finetuning; the art of editing your and other's work.


WEEK 6 will include a special guest masterclass, to be taught by Andrew McMillan.


All sessions will be recorded, so attendees who can't attend can watch them back, or those who wish to rewatch can do so. Sessions are scheduled for Monday evening, but we endeavour to ensure timings and dates are geared towards the most suitable times and dates for attendees and tutors.


This six-week online poetry course offers a step by step guide geared towards putting together a poetry manuscript, whether it's your first time putting one together, or whether you are already published. Our tutors, who are seasoned poets, will provide both inspiration and practical guidance, drawing upon their expertise of different aspects of poetry publication, Course attendees will be able to submit a fully finished manuscript to Broken Sleep's editorial team upon completion of the course, though attendance does not guarantee publication.


Over the duration of six weeks, you will delve into various forms, styles, and themes along the way, whilst also learning the core tenements of editing, structuring, and submitting the final work. You'll find yourself in a supportive online environment where you'll join a community of fellow poets who share your passion for writing. Together, you'll explore the boundaries of poetic expression and experiment with different techniques to enhance your writing and put yourself in the best position to produce a manuscript you feel completely proud of. Not only this, but you'll have access to a course-exclusive Slack group where attendees can share work and drafts during the course. The tutor for that week will pop into the group from time to time to share feedback and answer questions.


In addition to these exclusive resources, you'll also receive a welcome package from Broken Sleep Books containing, among other things, a selection of broken sleep publications written by the tutors.


By the end of the course, you'll emerge with a collection of polished poems, a deeper understanding of the craft, and the confidence to continue your poetic journey. Whether you're a novice poet or an experienced writer, this course offers a valuable opportunity to expand your skills and connect with fellow poetry enthusiasts.


Enrolment in the course is by application, ensuring that each participant gets the most out of the course. There are 2 bursary spaces available for attendees who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford to take part.


We look forward to hearing from you and are excited for you to get started!


Cost: £499 (Payment can be made in instalments, or in one lump sum. Payment can be made via debit card, credit card, PayPal, and Klarna)

Two bursary spaces available.

Applications close: 31st May, 2024.

Applicants will be informed by 20th June, 2024.

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