Released 31st March 2022 // 76 pages
Rubbles is a swirling, errant and wild collection by David Spittle which echoes Prynne in its linguistic complexity and use of rhetorical flourishes as a critique of popular culture. Somewhere between “putting your head between a sanding belt and a circular saw” and “the would-be Russian elegy for expecting the unexpected item in the bagging area” Rubbles is by turns grandiose, innovative and an often thrilling assault on language, where "the path clears/by the use it gets".
PRAISE for Rubbles:
'Permanently at risk of drowning in the hyperconnected and terminally lonely waters of social media, tech overload and pandemic distancing, the self in Rubbles surfaces at beautiful moments into a child’s perception, grounded in the vegetable, the invertebrate and, above all, the mineral worlds. There’s an astonishing visual storyboard sequence spent in the company of a pet stone called Paul, a small world carried in the pocket for comfort. Almost every page here feels like a completely fresh negotiation of what a page can be, how variously language can be made to sit there and why should you stop at language anyway, since a page can contain almost any mark you might choose to invent for it. It’s a hilarious and alarming book: utterly whacked, ethical as all hell, and I love it.'
— Peter Manson
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