Released 31st January 2024 // 32 pages // 978-1-916938-00-7 // RRP £7.99
Fragmented and angular, Erode with Me envelops the reader inside a full collapse of charged emotions. Carving words into structures and overlayed with frenetic glyphs, Nikki Dudley disassembles matters of the self, the family, and relationships into a torrent of poetics that hooks the reader into wanting to turn the page, to see and feel its deconstructions that are so immediately relatable. Erode with Me is the breaking of things; a unique and intelligent outpouring that crystalizes our common shared experiences of living through this difficult life.
ABOUT Nikki Dudley:
Nikki Dudley is managing editor of streetcake magazine and also runs the streetcake writing prize. She has collections and pamphlets out with: Knives Forks and Spoons, Beir Bua, Hem Press, and now Sídhe Press. She won the Virginia Prize 2020 and her second novel, Volta was published in May 2021. She works in marketing for charities by day and has a (not so secret) love for karaoke and netball.
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