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Released 28th February, 2025 // 54 pages // 978-1-916938-79-3 // RRP: £9.99


Through the poetic and raw lens of a neurodiverse filmmaker, A [Cupboard] Full of Tomboys by Jay Farley navigates the intricate intersections of identity, gender, and class. This collection unfolds the journey of an older, working-class non-binary individual. With a cinematic and surreal texture, the poet uses words not only to validate their existence but also to unlock the transformative power of language itself. From the confines of the metaphorical cupboard to the expansive, defiant explorations of a new, queer world, Farley's poetry challenges binaries, embraces fluidity, and crafts an unflinching celebration of lived authenticity.


PRAISE for A [Cupboard] Full of Tomboys:

This book is a bursting open of closet doors, a superb non binary encyclopaedia, more vital ammunition for the queer canon.

— Joelle Taylor


Dazzling, sprawling, gasping — these changeling poems fly at us, each a carnival rooted in poetry’s sense of creation and revolution. At their heart is an astonishing polyvocal experiment; a swirling crown that dares us to listen to “the sea inside” and the hidden geometries of worlds that land as softly as dandelion seeds, as powerfully as hurricanes.

— Andre Bagoo


A fast-moving stream of brilliance singing with the rhythms of Liverpool's streets and the heart-strings of explosively lived experience.

— Chris McCabe


ABOUT Jay Farley:

Jay Farley is a non-binary, neurodivergent award winning filmmaker and digital artist. Discovering their Non-binary identity in 2022 aged 48 was profound and they found their voice as a performer and poet. Farley subsequently became award winning with ‘I Wish I’d Won the Miners’ Strike’, published in How it Started, Creative Futures Writers’ Award 2022 anthology. They are published in the Queer Icons anthology, Sparks, Hot Poets anthology and illustrated in Woop Woop magazine. Their debut book of poetry A [Cupboard] Full of Tomboys was created under the mentorship of TS.Elliot Award winning Joelle Taylor and published by Broken Sleep Books.

Jay Farley - A [Cupboard] Full of Tomboys


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