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Released 30th September, 2023 // 46 pages // 978-1-915760-31-9 //RRP £8.99


In Open Your Mouth Jasmine Gray mixes the elegance of Joan Didion with the inventive spirit of Anne Carson. Gray moves with fluidity and style around her chosen subjects: Amy Winehouse, the Catholic Church, feminism, creeps. Open Your Mouth is a pamphlet full of vivid, intense and sensuous poetry, every phrase sparkles with the gleam of a newly minted coin. Jasmine Gray is a brilliant young writer, who wishes to be “delighted by what enters [her] mouth, and what leaves it.”


ABOUT Jasmine Gray:

Jasmine Gray is a Northern writer and Writing Squad graduate. In 2021, she won the inaugural First Light Writer’s Prize for her art criticism ‘BARE’ (Tilt, 2021). Since, she has been shortlisted for the Edge Hill MA Short Story Prize (2022) and long-listed for the Rebecca Swift Foundation’s Women’s Poetry Prize (2023). Her work has appeared in Anthropocene, Carmen et Error, The London Magazine and elsewhere. Her debut pamphlet, Let’s Photograph Girls Enjoying Life, was published with Broken Sleep Books (2019).

Jasmine Gray - Open Your Mouth


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